Cyber Security Rumble — Germany — CTF Challenge — Steganography
Challenge Name : Steg1
Challenge Task : In the grand tradition of great stegano tasks. stego.mp4
Author : Author: rugo,fluxhorst|RedRocket
This challenge was my very first stenography challenge, so i was literally wondering where to begin from. I just browsed a few webpages about concepts and tools required for stenography, but i couldn’t find one suitable for the video file provided in this challenge. So i just started playing the STEGO.MP4 file in my browser.
While playing the video i still couldn’t find any useful information so i just kept watching the video and suddenly this frame appeared on the video,
And the flag just popped up on the video itself (right on 0:32 secs). It was a way to easy challenge but still it boosted my points on the CTF challenge about 1337 + 0 points, which was incredible.
Thus the Flag is: CSR{Stegan0_St1ll_Sucks_B4llz}
Note: You have to just watch the video until the Flag appears on the video itself (or) if it doesn’t appears you can try forensics method like file carving, Initial analysis, Binary-as-text encodings etc… (or) you can just analyze the source code of the file.
My Scoreboard:
My User-Name : H1v3
My Position : 174 out of 915
Thanks for reading my walk-through blog on Steg1 challenge from “Cyber Security Rumble CTF Germany”. For more great contents like this keep following my blog.
See you again later, Bye.